- Medical
- Gloves
- Masks
- Face Shields
- Isolation Gowns
- Lab & Jacket coats
- Cotton Gauze
- Head Cover
- Shoe Cover
- Eyewear
- Sterile Pouches and Wraps
- Infection Prevention
- Wound Care
- Beds & Mattresses
- Chair and stool covers
- Diagnostics
- Coverall Suit
- Cups
- Stethoscope Disposable
- Surgical Blades
- Needles And Syringes
- Medical Kits
- Respiratory
- Underpads
- Urgent Care
- Dental
- Gloves
- Masks
- Face Shields
- Isolation Gowns
- Lab & Jacket coats
- Cotton Gauze
- Cups
- Head Cover
- Shoe Cover
- Eyewear
- Sterile Pouches and Wraps
- Infection Prevention
- Head Caps
- Surgical Blades
- Absorbent Paper
- Air/water syringe sleeves
- Alginate Color Changing
- Articulating Papers
- Aspirators ASP Tips
- Autoclave supplies
- Barrier film
- Bibs (patient towels)
- Brushes
- Chair Cover
- Composite syringes (“guns”)
- Curing light sleeves
- Dental Needles And Syringes
- Dentures & Accessories
- Evacuation products
- Gutta Percha
- Headrest covers
- HVE tips and accessories
- Impression and gypsum materials
- Instruments
- Intraoral camera sheaths
- Irrigating syringes
- Keyboard and tablet sleeves
- K-Files
- Light handle protectors
- Matrix materials
- Micro applicators
- Mini-sponges
- Mixing pads and spatulas
- Mixing tips / Intraoral tips
- Mixing wells
- Patient giveaways
- Prophy angles
- Retractors
- Saliva ejectors
- Spatulas
- Surgical aspirator tips
- Tray covers
- Wedges
Stainless Steel Surgical Blades Multiple Sizes
• Sterile • Razor-sharp cutting edge • Convenient disposable • Single-use
Anti-fog Earloop Mask with shield-LIII Padded Nose
• Convenient breathability earloop design • Engineered to prevent fogging
PITONE Disposable Irrigation Curved Utility Syringes 12 ML 50pcs by VASTMED
PITONE Disposable Irrigation Utility is curved to help dentists comfortable reach hard-to-reach angles in patients mouths. Each box contains 50 pieces of curved utility syringes, and they are easy to dispose of.
CAPRA Cotton Tipped Applicator Bamboo Sticks 3" and 6" by VASTMED 1000pcs box
- 3" and 6" for precision cleaning of parts and equipment.
- 100% purified medical grade cotton.
- 100 pcs per package.
TIGRIS Anti-Fog Splash Face Shield Visor LP 50pcs/box
9 x 13" TIGRIS Anti-Fog Lightweight Shield offers eyes, nose, and mouth protection from aerosols, sprays, and splatters. This guard's comfortable frame and Anti-Fog protection make this cover shield easy to wear for an extended period of time.
CAPRA Advanced Cotton rolls Size 2 by VASTMED
- Non-sterile
- Made of 100% cotton
- Soft and pliable
- Maintain shape
- Latex and chlorine free
VASTMED Disposable CPE Blue Isolation Apron Thumb loops 10pcs Bag
The VASTMED CPE Apron is for the hospital, clinic, and healthcare use as hygienic protection and for light to medium use.
VASTMED Chemical Protection Coverall Hazmat- Yellow
VastMed Chemical, Blood, and Viral Protection Coverall is made of a lightweight, and durable fabric. Our Chemical Protection Coveralls are designed for light splash protection in a variety of environments. Our protective coveralls protect against blood borne exposure and viral penetration. Multiple interlocking threads are sewn around the raw edges of the material to create a strong, stress-resistant seam. The hood is attached with elastic around the face opening. Elastic opening for tighter fit at wrists and ankles. The zipper is covered by storm flaps that can be sealed. VastMed coverall is equivalent to Tychem 2000 Chemical Coverall.
Disposable Plastic Cups 5.oz 1000cups Multiple colors
Vastmed Disposable Cups holds up to 5. oz. Comes in Blue, Green, and Purple. Each package comes with 1000 cups. Buy 10 and make it $15.99 each!
Safety Coverall Non Sterile Medcial D 1/pcs
VASTMED SMS Bouffant Cap 3 layer Spunbond
VastMed Breathable 3-layer SMS Bouffant Cap is intended for use in procedures and settings where minimal to light fluid exposure is expected. They are made with 3 Layer SMS fab-ric. The cap is latex free and has an elastic opening for easy slip on. They are roomy and lightweight to wear, keeping hair securely tucked away. They are available in various sizes and colors to meet different needs at healthcare facilities.
Disposable Non-Wover Cap 10g Blue 100pcs per bag
- Bouffant caps are made of polypropylene material
- Double-stitched elastic band keeps caps flat and comfortable on the forehead
- Not made with natural rubber latex
- 100pcs in one bag